Initial PSP's (Psionic Strength Points) are calculated thus: Wisdom minus 5, multiplied by 2. Add one point for each point of Intelligence and each point of Constitution above 15 (1 for 16, 2 for 17; the bonus counts for each score separately).
The psionicist selects one of the five psionic defense modes; these are similar to and have the same names as those for natural psionics: Mind Blank, Thought Shield, Mental Barrier, Intellect Fortress, and Tower of Iron Will.
The psionicist selects one discipline, which to the class refers to a category of psionic skills. Initially all of the character's devotions and sciences will come from this discipline, and it will be the character's primary discipline (in which he is required to know the largest number of sciences and devotions throughout his career). There are six disciplines: Clairsentience, Psychokinesis, Psychometabolism, Psychoportation, Telepathy, and Metapsionics; only the first five are available as primary disciplines, Metapsionics being reserved for those who already have powers which it may enhance.
The character begins with one science and three devotions of his choice, all of which must come from his selected primary discipline. The disciplines are listed with sciences and devotions.
Clairsentient Sciences: Aura Sight, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Object Reading, Precognition Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions; Devotions: All-round Vision, Combat Mind, Danger Sense, Feel Light, Feel Sound, Hear Light, Know Direction, Know Location, Poison Sense, Radial Navigation, See Sound, Spirit Sense.
Psychokinetic Sciences: Create Object*, Detonate*+, Disintegrate*+, Molecular Rearrangement*+, Project Force*, Telekinesis; Devotions: Animate Object*, Animate Shadow*, Ballistic Attack*, Control Body*, Control Flames*, Control Light*, Control Sound*, Control Wind*, Create Sound*+, Inertial Barrier*, Levitation*, Molecular Agitation*, Molecular Manipulation*, Soften*.
* Indicates that the character must have the science Telekinesis to learn this application.
+ Indicates that there is some other skill required before this one can be learned; see the Psionicist Handbook for details.
Psychometabolic Sciences: Animal Affinity, Complete Healing, Death Field, Energy Containment, Life Draining, Metamorphosis, Shadow-form; Devotions: Absorb Disease, Adrenaline Control, Aging, Biofeedback, Body Control, Body Equilibrium, Body Weaponry, Catfall, Cause Decay, Cell Adjustment, Chameleon Power, Chemical Simulation, Displacement, Double Pain, Ectoplasmic Form, Enhanced Strength, Expansion, Flesh Armor, Graft Weapon, Heightened Senses, Immovability, Lend Health, Mind Over Body, Reduction, Share Strength, Suspend Animation.
Psychoportative Sciences: Banishment*, Probability Travel, Summon Planar Creature*, Teleport, Teleport Other*; Devotions: Astral Projection, Dimensional Door, Dimension Walk, Dream Travel, Teleport Trigger*, Time Shift*, Time/Space Anchor.
* Indicates that the character must have the science Teleport to learn this application.
Telepathic Sciences: Domination+*, Ejection, Fate Link+*, Mass Domination+*\, Mindlink*, Mindwipe+*, Probe*\, Psychic Crush+, Superior Invisibility+*\, Switch Personality+*, Tower of Iron Will+; Devotions: Attraction+*, Aversion+*, Awe+*, Conceal Thoughts, Contact, Daydream+*, Ego Whip+, Empathy+*, ESP+*, False Sensory Input+*, Id Insinuation+*, Identity Penetration+*, Incarnation Awareness+*, Inflict Pain+*, Intellect Fortress+, Invincible Foes+*, Invisibility+*, Life Detection, Mental Barrier+, Mind Bar, Mind Blank+, Mind Thrust+, Phobia Amplification+*, Post-hypnotic Suggestion+*, Psionic Blast\, Psionic Impersonation+\, Psychic Messenger, Repugnance+*, Send Thoughts+*, Sight Link+*, Sound Link+*, Synaptic Static+, Taste Link+*, Telempathic Projection+*, Thought Shield+, Truthear+.
+ Indicates that the character must have the science Mindlink to learn this application.
* Indicates that the character must have the devotion Contact to learn this application.
\ Indicates that there is some other skill required before this one can be learned; see the Psionicist Handbook for details.
[Note: It appears that the rules are inconsistent, permitting characters to learn as defenses skills which cannot be used as sciences or devotions due to the prerequisite requirements. In view of this, it is the MyWorld rule that such skills when filling defense slots do not have prerequisites, but do have such prerequisites if used to fill science or devotion slots. Further, if a character uses his science and devotion slots to increase his psionic defenses, he will be required to shift those defenses into defense slots when such become available (instead of taking other defenses, which he may take as skills); he will be permitted to refill the vacated science or devotion slot with skills which he may learn at that point.]
Thoughts on integrating second edition psionics into a first edition game are given on another section of this site.
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