Several character classes are limited by game rules to keeping reasonable amounts of The maximum amount of treasure which may be owned by any character limited by the rules to a reasonable amount shall be one thousand (1000) gold coins per level per level. Any excess above this amount must be spent or disposed of within six days (one week on the MyWorld calendar). This works out as follows:
treasure; such characters are expected to contribute any treasure above and beyond their basic needs to charitable institutions outside the control of the player characters. These character classes include Rangers. This rule applies to all such classes except Monks. According to the Oriental Adventures™ rules, Monks are limited to two coins of each denomination; all monk characters will be assumed to be reduced to this amount one week (six days in the MyWorld game) after receiving any treasure distributions. For all other classes limited in the amount of treasure they may accumulate, this will be the definition of such reasonable limits. This is in addition to any practical limits, such as the Ranger requirement that the character must be able to carry all treasure on himself and his mount.
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