Welcome to M. J. Young Net
The Home of Mark Joseph Young's Internet Pages
Notice to all SEO and site design professionals: This site has over a thousand pages dating back to 1997. Errors are inevitable. The maintenance budget is $0.00. Thank you all the same. |
It is something of an oxymoron to say that an Internet web site is Under Construction; it is the medium of change, more mutable than any other form of publication, as it can be and often is constantly updated.
However, at the risk of sounding foolish in this regard, this web site is certainly under construction. It is the new site for materials previously scattered around the Internet, all of which must be brought here, revamped to fit here, with pages placed in all the old places to send people here. Given the sheer numbers of pages involved, this is going to take some time; but I have made a beginning, so hopefully eventually all of these sites will come here. It won't be easy, and there will be a lot of changes along the way; but here's a general status sheet to help you find things.
- The Original Mark J. Young Personal Home Page, slightly revised: This is the most eclectic site, the most problematic to reorganize, and the first one on the list. This is the site that has the greatest variety of materials, from game stories to Bible pages to song lyrics to political and legal matters, all of which are being sorted into some sort of organization as they are transported here. Here are the Bible pages, the law materials, the journals comprising my multiverser stories, the song lyrics, and much of the miscellaneous extras, scattered about.
- Temporal Anomalies in Popular Time Travel Movies: Known to many as The Time Travel Site, this Event Horizon Hot Spot and Sci Fi Weekly Site of the Week is one of the prime motivations for Valdron Inc sponsoring this little piece of web space for me. Since Yahoo! took over the old GeoCities server, we've overrun their imposed traffic limits several times. (Who imposes traffic limits on an advertising resource? You'd think that they'd want more traffic for their banner ads.) Thus there is some urgency to move the site here. Besides, the Yahoo! decision to discontinue FTP access has made site maintenance a nightmare, so I'll be pleased to be able to use my WS-FTP Lite henceforth. This move is largely complete, although there may still be a few bugs here and there.
- M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons™ Materials: Although by and large AOL has been a superior host for this site (despite the rather small size), it is not without problems; and I suspect we'll be discontinuing our AOL account eventually as well (even though we're a Bring Your Own Access client). This site won mention in Knights of the Dinner Table among the best resources for Original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons web sites, and will be coming here in good time. There are a lot of links to the old site (it's the oldest of my sites), so I'm hoping they'll all find their ways to the new one.
- Character Creation for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ First Edition: This is the largest site; some people think it's part of the other D&D site, but it always was on a different server. Tripod also began imposing bandwidth limits, so we moved this here.
- Martial Arts Rules in Role Playing Games: This is probably a bit dated in some ways, but still useful for its primary purpose. It presents martial arts materials for Original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons™ and for Multiverser®. It's part of the site that hosts the Character Creation materials, but distinct, and will remain so when it comes here, although that may be a while.
- Stories from the Verse: I'm not sure what the market is for free online game fiction; however, it may pick up a bit now that I've got a novel published (want to see how bad I was a few years back? I think I'm a lot better now). It probably needs a lot of cleaning up, but at the moment the main thing is that it's here.
- The Multiverser Information Center: Well, it had to go somewhere once the original web domain was lost.
- Valdron: The main site for Valdron Inc, publisher of my games and stories, is also relocated here.
Once upon a time there were sites at TheGlobe, Xoom, Fortune City, and Lycos, at least, and others at AOL. These have already been consolidated or removed. There are also articles on many other web sites. I have in the past brought some of those home for fear they would be lost, but most will stay where they are for the foreseeable futures.
Thank you for your patience during this reconstruction.