Non-Weapon Proficiencies

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In some campaigns, non-weapon proficiencies can make or break a character.  Those non-weapon proficiencies which are found in TSR's lists for occidentals are included here (the number in parentheses following the listing is the number of slots required if more than one), supplemented by a couple of obvious oversights.  Thus, non-player characters can be given non-weapon proficiencies quickly, when it doesn't matter to the nature of the character but might be important to the future of the party.

There is some information about these non-weapon proficiencies on the Character Creation for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition web site.

1 Airborne Riding (2) (Mount d6:  1-3 pegasus, 4-5 hippogriff, 6 griffon)
2 4 Alertness
5 6 Animal Handling
7 8 Animal Lore
9 10 Animal Noise
11 13 Animal Trainer (d6:  1 bird, 2 horse, 3 pack animal, 4 dog, 5 flying mount, 6 exotic)
14 15 Armorer (2)
16 17 Blacksmith
18 Blind Fighting
19 21 Boating
22 23 Boatwright
24 26 Bowyer/Fletcher
27 29 Carpenter
30 Charioteering
31 33 Direction Sense
34 36 Endurance
37 40 Fire Building
41 43 Fishing
44 46 Foraging
47 Fungus Identification
48 Gem Cutter (2)
49 52 Healing (2)
53 55 Hunting
56 58 Leatherworker
59 Miner (2)
60 61 Mountaineering
62 Music
63 64 Musical Instrument (designate)
65 Plant Lore
66 Potter
67 69 Read & Write (specify language)
70 72 Riding
73 75 Rope Use
76 Running--Sprinting
77 Running--Distance
78 Slow Respiration
79 Smelter
80 Sound Analysis
81 82 Stonemason
83 Survival--Cold
84 Survival--Desert (2)
85 Survival--Heat
86 88 Swimming
89 91 Tracking
92 94 Weaponsmith (3)
95 97 Weather Sense
98 100 Weaver

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