Multiverser® Magic Skills Worksheet Key

This page is intended to assist the referee in interpretting the responses on the Magic Skills Worksheet, as completed by players introducing new magic skills within the game.

Is this arcane or holy  magic,  alliance, neutral, or anarch?  Holy magic receives a bonus of half of the character's religion or occult knowledge score, a bonus or penalty for the power of the world, and additional bonuses or penalties for the reaction the deity might have to the magic type selected; there may also be a quest bonus if the character was sent by his deity (+10) or leader of his faith (+5) to perform a task toward which this skill use contributes.  Alliance and anarch magic is +10 in their own worlds, -10 in the opposing worlds, and -5 in neutral worlds; neutral magic is +5 in its own worlds and -5 in any others.  Opposition sit-mods may commonly range to -30 and reach -50 in extreme cases.  Alliance powers oppose spells which harm creatures.  Anarch powers oppose spells which heal.  Neutral powers avoid spell use in situations which are confrontational to other deities or their agents.

What exactly will the magic do?  This is used to identify the bias level and intensity of the skill, thus to establish the baseline for it, as well as to help with aspects of the first question if it is holy magic.  If the skill clearly combines skills not normally combined, the bias is that of the highest skill, the bias curve must include all skills, and the intensity cannot be 1 unless all incorporated skills are @1; further, there is a -10 penalty on the first added skill, and a -5 penalty on each additional added skill.

What distances, sizes, areas, or quantities are involved?  Adjustments of ±10 for each halving or doubling of baseline distances or areas is recommended.  Baseline ranges for skills in which such are not specified are 20':40':60':80':+5/4'.  Attacks requiring a martial strike are at +20.  Baseline areas are a volume of 1000 cubic feet, a ten-foot cube.

Over what variables does the character have control?  Variables are recommended in descriptions.  ±10 is an appropriate adjustment for each variable the control of which is other than the baseline.

What, if any, is the base damage category for the magic?  The baseline is usually damaging for attacks (dangerous for curatives), ±10 for each DC off that mark.

How long does it take to perform the ritual necessary for the spell?  Base times are given in the description; sit-mod is ±10 for each halving or doubling of the time factor, with 10% increments of the change used for smaller variations.

How many times in a minute may an amateur cast it?  This distinguishes RF skills from TF skills, and otherwise applies as those to the time.  Skills which are give as TF skills may be converted to RF at a -20 sit-mod.

How long will the magic last?  Durations are frequently tied to ritual times; the same factor is involved.  Most last ten times the TF, or six seconds if appropriate.

Exactly what will the character say?  Looking especially for the +5 for appropriateness.

Must the words be spoken loudly or forcefully?  +3 for yes.

Are the words in a language other than the character's native tongue?  +5 for yes.

Is the sound of the words vital to the magic, or will it work if the words are properly articulated within a place where there is no sound?  +2 if sound is vital; otherwise, the skill works without the sound at -15.  This does not apply if nothing is said.

What does the character do?  Looking especially for appropriateness, +5 if not already earned for words.

Which body parts must be committed to this action?  +3 for each limb over one required for the action, +15 if total freedom of movement is necessary.

Which body parts can be substituted if necessary for the ones normally used (e.g., left hand instead of right)?  -2 for each alternative possible.

Is the ritual physically exhausting?  +5 if rest is required immediately thereafter.

What materials are required?  +5 for appropriateness, if not already earned for words or actions.  Items are valued from 1 to 10 for difficulty of replacement, rarity in the multiverse.

Which if any of these are destroyed or damaged beyond use during the ritual?  The value of any destroyed object is doubled.

Are there any other limitations on the use of this skill?  All limitations should result in bonuses on success probability.

-2 if the material component is one of two necessary.
-10 if there is only one aspect (spoken, acted, or used).
-25 if the magic is entirely activated by thought (no words, actions, or materials necessary).