Cults of the Past:

Hargin of Selna

  The books and papers cited by the various chapters of Cults of the Past are collected here.  The links will take you to the reference within the papers.  They are presented first by Title, and then by Author.

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Index of Titles

The Assassin's Ring, by Rikard Montee, cited in The Ring of Blood.

The Basis of Power, by Taka Shan, cited in The Lawmen.

The Border Guard, by Hickers, cited in The Border Guard, and in Moradin's Army.

Cults of Our Time by Mysas, cited in The Brotherhood of Death, and in Moradin's Army, and in Might.

The Death Wand, by Si Si Di, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Deeds of Honor, by Tob Noz, cited in Moradin's Army.

Deeds of the Brotherhood, by Brockton and Heart, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Fetters or Anarchy, by Rizzenhoff, cited in The Freedom Fighters.

Hope of the Lawful Elves, by El-Nana'd, cited in The Elfin Legal Defense and Moradin's Army.

The Illusion of Order, by Nagor, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Law of Libra Facta, by Roppins, cited in Libra Ficta, and in Magice Vincit Omnia.

Laws of Chaos, by Rongon, cited in The Chance Meeting.

The Legal Foundations of the Chance Meeting Considered along with Rules, Order, Structure, and the Illusion of Randomness in a Lawful Creation, by Roppins, Timmers, and Ruusuus, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Means and Ends:  A Druidic Consideration of the Method of Libra Facta, by Heart, cited in Libra Ficta.

Mikther Don's Plan, by Rodden and Hearth, cited in The Ring of Blood.

Orcus' Brothers, by Ronton Clere, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Orcus' Power, by Si Si Di, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Profiles of a Death Brother, by Si Si Di, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

The Reach of the Supreme Court, by Em Handson, cited in The Iron Hand.

Reason for the Ring, by Sala Nath, cited in The Ring of Blood.

The Structure of Chaos, by Mishaud, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Wall of Righteousness:  The Army of Moradin, by Justice William, cited in Moradin's Army.

The Welfare Society, by Mandas Miras, cited in The Welfare Society.

Index of Authors

Brockton, with Heart, Deeds of the Brotherhood, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

El-Nana'd, Hope of the Lawful Elves, cited in The Elfin Legal Defense and in Moradin's Army.

Em Handson, The Reach of the Supreme Court, cited in The Iron Hand.

Hearth, with Rodden, Mikther Don's Plan, cited in The Ring of Blood.

Heart, with Brockton, Deeds of the Brotherhood, cited in The Brotherhood of Death, and independently, Means and Ends:  A Druidic Consideration of the Method of Libra Facta, cited in Libra Ficta.

Hickers, The Border Guard, cited in The Border Guard and in Moradin's Army.

Justice William, cited generally in The Brotherhood of Death, and specifically for Wall of Righteousness:  The Army of Moradin, in Moradin's Army.

Mandas Miras, The Welfare Society, cited in The Welfare Society.

Mishaud, The Structure of Chaos, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Mysas, Cults of Our Time, cited in Libra Ficta, and in Moradin's Army, and in Might.

Nagor, The Illusion of Order, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Rikard Montee, The Assassin's Ring, cited in The Ring of Blood.

Rizzenhoff, Fetters or Anarchy?, cited in The Freedom Fighters.

Rodden, with Hearth, Mikther Don's Plan, cited in The Ring of Blood.

Rongon, Laws of Chaos, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Ronton Clere, Orcus' Brothers, cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Roppins, with Timmers and Ruusuus, The Legal Foundations of the Chance Meeting Considered along with Rules, Order, Structure, and the Illusion of Randomness in a Lawful Creation, cited in The Chance Meeting, and himself, Law of Libra Facta, cited in Libra Ficta, and in Magice Vincit Omnia.

Ruusuus, with Roppins and Timmers, The Legal Foundations of the Chance Meeting Considered along with Rules, Order, Structure, and the Illusion of Randomness in a Lawful Creation, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Sala Nath, Reason for the Ring, cited in The Ring of Blood.

Si Si Di, The Death Wand, Orcus' Power, and Profiles of a Death Brother, all cited in The Brotherhood of Death.

Taka Shan, The Basis of Power, cited in The Lawmen.

Timmers, with Roppins and Ruusuus, The Legal Foundations of the Chance Meeting Considered along with Rules, Order, Structure, and the Illusion of Randomness in a Lawful Creation, cited in The Chance Meeting.

Tob Noz, cited generally in The Brotherhood of Death, and specifically Deeds of Honor, cited in Moradin's Army.

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