Monthly Expenses
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Rather than keep track of the daily costs of the variety of basic expenses each character must pay in general upkeep, a monthly charge is assessed based on the factors which contribute to that cost. This money will be deducted automatically from the monies of the character, except for those characters on limited treasure rules, who will be assumed to have paid these expenses out of monies previously deducted provided there is adequate treasure deducted under the other rules to cover the deductions required under these rules.
Characters with henchmen, hirelings, retainers, or other followers who wish or have promised to pay such expenses on behalf of such followers must notify the referee of this. The follower's expenses will be deducted from the liege's treasure upon such notification.
Gold Piece Cost |
10 |
10 |
Armorer Services
Metallic Armor
4 |
Metal Shield
1 |
Leather Armor
2 |
Weaponsmith Services
3 |
2 |
Magic User/Monk
1 |
3 |
2 |
War Dog
5 |
Other Dog
4 |
4 |
2 |
Bird Seed
0.2 |
Blacksmith Services
Hooved Mount
2 |
1 A character must have a justification for being tee-total. Acceptable justifications include clerics and cleric sub-classes, and paladins, who are required or require themselves to remain sober, and Wu Jen with a no alcohol taboo. Only under such circumstances will the charge for wine be waived.
2 Multiclassed characters pay only the highest priced class.
3 Horses, Mules, and Pegasi are expected to graze on grass in addition to the grain they consume. If grass is not available, costs are doubled in order to provide hay.
4 Hippogriffs consume both grain and meat, and are required to graze like horses. Only the grain costs are doubled if grass is not available.
The referee will adjudicate the costs of any additional character expenses as they come up; these will be added to these rules to maintain consistency.

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