Thorns crowned His head, and nails pierced His hands.
Then Jesus asked me to be His mother's son
"I am thirsty"--yes, that's what Jesus said.
He died on a cross for three angry men, none of whom will be blamed.
If He was man, then mankind is lost in sin.
I went with Mary--I don't know why.
We went to Calvary to watch our Lord die,
And I stood and watched as Jesus died.
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He was so beaten--more marred than any man,
And I watched, but could not understand.
Doing the things that He never could have done.
'Til His death His love went on.
Then, "It is finished." He slowly bowed His head.
Then I knew that God was dead.
If He was God, then the worst will now begin.
We have finally murdered Him.