That's When I'll Believe
Mark J. Young

Some people try to tell me my way's no good,
That I've got to take another path.
If there's a God in heaven, I really should
Turn around, and so escape His wrath.
If there's a God in heaven, then what is death?
The Grim Reaper leaves us all bereaved!
So, when I hear of someone calling back his breath,
That's when I'll believe.
That's when I'll believe.

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They say there was a Man who conquered the grave;
Yes, they say He rose up from the dead!
High on a cross He suffered and died to save,
With a crown of thorns upon his head.
I'll have to see the nail prints in Jesus' hands,
And the side the soldier's sword has cleaved;
And when I'm satisfied, and sure I understand,
That's when I'll believe.
That's when I'll believe.

They say He'll come again in power.
Then He will take His people home.
Although nobody knows the hour,
Still they are sure that He will come.
When I see Him in the clouds,
When His people start to leave,
When the trumpet sounds aloud,
That's when I'll believe.

They say that Christ will judge the good and the bad.
Everyone will get what he deserved.
Those who have followed him will no more be sad.
For the rest, the fire's been reserved.
So, when I'm in the fire that never dies,
When I have no hope to be relieved,
I will remember doubting, and I'll wonder why--
That's when I'll believe.
That's when I'll believe.
That's when I'll believe.
That's when I'll believe.

Do you believe?  What do you think?
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