Two humans were detected on the plains at Moonlight 2.016; neither their presence on the plains nor their means of transportation were detected prior to this moment.
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Thank you.They had apparently been resting, and rose from reclining on the ground. Again no flight was detected; humans have demonstrated the ability to appear and disappear from our scanners without warning. They collected scattered equipment before proceeding. One had a primitive edged weapon.
A third human appeared a short distance from them. This one proceeded to strap protective gear to his body, and collected more equipment, and joined the others. Again, there was no indication of his means of locomotion to that point. This one also had a primitive edged weapon.
Moving by bipedal locomotion toward moonset, they arrived at the unidentified rectangular prismatic artifact at Moonlight 2.633. They attacked the object several times, and then two of them unsealed one of the portals and entered. There were some noises from inside, while the one in the protective gear waited by the portal, then moved slowly toward the Kreelak lines.
At Moonlight 3.129 another human was detected, nearer to the ancient dwellings in the center of the plane. This one had been present for an undetermined time before it was detected; it gathered equipment, but remained stationary until well into sunlight. It was somewhat smaller than the others, being perhaps 83% the height and 55% the mass of Dad.
With sunlight, at Sunlight 0.050, one of the humans left the rectangular artifact. It was carrying the edged weapon, although it was the one which did not have a weapon during the previous observations during Moonlight. It headed toward the human near the ancient dwellings. At Sunlight 0.373 the other human emerged from the rectangular artifact, and followed the first at a greater velocity. Shortly after this, the one carrying the weapon encountered a coral bush, and increased velocity markedly, scattering small metallic objects which scans suggested contained organic materials along its path. Analysis suggests that this may have been intended as trail markers for the other human, since this second human collected these objects when he reached them. The first human reduced velocity after some time, and by Sunlight 1.039 the two humans were together. At this point, the second human took the weapon from the first human; it is not certain that the first human agreed to this. However, they continued in this direction.
At Daylight 3.600, the smaller human was accosted by a coral bush. The human charged the coral bush, threw itself on top intentionally blocking the sunlight, then covered it with a thick cloth, and proceeded to destroy it. The human recovered the reflective and refractive elements of the creature's attack system, and experimented with it. The small human then began moving toward the two others.
At Daylight 3.739 these three humans met. At 3.742, the smaller one reversed direction, moving rapidly toward the ancient dwellings. The other two appeared to be fighting over the weapon; then the one without the weapon separated from the one with the weapon. The one without the weapon then saw a large grazer in dormant phase, and moved over to it. This human remained beside the resting grazer, while the other pursued the smaller human, who slowed at this point, so these two were now together. They rested at Daylight 4.027, and consumed the organic contents of several of the metal objects. The human who had rested by the grazer now began moving toward them, but they resumed moving toward the city.
By Daylight 4.389 all three were stationary a short distance from the ancient dwellings. At this point, the one who was neither the small one nor the one with the weapon entered the city. We lost track of that human at this point, and do not know where he went; he did not exit the city in any way we perceived.
The continued movements of the other humans were observed by intelligence operatives in another section, and will be included in a separate report.