Clerk Festerman
Criminal Court 14
New London Division
Department of Justice
Earth Force
--The prisoner Darien was delivered to court for his 2:00 P.M. trial on time by officers of Prisoner Holding Unit 39.  His attorney and the prosecuting attorney had each prepared their evidence and argument data cubes.  These were inserted in the justice machine, and the verdict of guilty,

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to be exiled to the penal colony on Cygnus Alpha, was returned.
--It appears that the lack of any medical evidence supporting the defendant's claim of being delivered unconscious to the site weakened his case; the testimony of the unidentified terrorist infiltrator that the defendant had offered to do anything to help the terrorists destroy the Federation strongly aided the prosecutorial case.  On these facts alone, the conviction was highly probable.
--The defendant was delivered to temporary holding, to be shipped with the next transport to Cygnus Alpha, due to depart in seventy-two hours.
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