Con Version; Chapter 41, Takano 97

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Stories from the Verse
Con Version
Chapter 41:  Takano 97
Table of Contents
Previous chapter:  Cooper 13

The first thing Davey did was examine the heat-reflecting pottery shell that Lauren had shown Tomiko how to make.  She had subsequently shown everyone else how to make them.  All of the nests had one.

After this, he showed her how to cut down and strip a pine tree of its boughs.  They would make good bedding for half a dozen nests.  Others had come by, drawn by the sound of the tree falling, and he sent them away with armloads of evergreen needle boughs for their bedding.  They checked with Tommy first, as the man, Davey, did not look at all like someone worthy of listening to, but she quickly assured them of the value of the plan.

“No one hardly notices me,” he shrugged.  “I’m short, skinny, and I look like a rat caught in a rainstorm says Dan’l.”

“I’m sorry, they were just--”

“It is who I am.  Now, let’s move on.”

“Wait, let me get the ruling council here at least.  You can teach them and me at the same time.”  She said, trying to look appealing.  He grunted, and did not look like he liked the plan, but he accepted it.  She told him to wait, and went and got several people whom she sent out as messengers to gather the council.  It took half an hour, but since a few of them brought others she had ten of the tribe gathered.

Davey grunted, and began to speak.  Few were listening.

“You can make a three armed wood fork.”  It was like a small shovel, but it would not do that job well.  He showed them that what it would do was pick up brick-sized rocks, put them in the fire, and get them out for putting next to their beds when they were about to sleep.  “Now, be careful.  Don’t use river rock.”

“Lake rocks?”  Tammy spoke loudly, getting everyone’s attention.  She gave them a look.  Embarrassed, they began to listen, and as they did gradually their interest deepened, and she saw that they began to listen more and more closely.  Davey might not have much in the way of charm, but he was knowledgeable.  Even better, what he was talking about might keep them and their families alive.

“Them, too.  If the rocks have water in them they might crack, and send flying pieces to cut you.”  He pulled up his sleeve, and showed an old, thin, white scar on his forearm.  “Sliced me good.”

He asked how she was lighting fires, and when she showed him the matches, he was interested.  However, upon learning they were not a renewable or reusable resource, he ignored them.  Instead, he led them on a stone hunt.  Finally, he showed the group a couple, and they found some more.  It was flint.  Strike the flint with the steel arrowheads or the back of the blade of a knife, and you had sparks.  They got another fire going without using matches or bringing a brand from another fire.  Then they put it out.

He was rushing, quick, quiet, seemingly aware that they only had so much time.

“I need to show  everyone how to make furs, especially fur overshoes, and a hat from rabbit pelts.  At the same time, I’ll teach you how to smoke rabbit, so it keeps for a while.  Time to go hunting.”  He set off, and Tommy and the others followed him, not having time to say a word or object.  Davey was small, and did not look like much, but he moved fast and sure with no wasted motion.

Next chapter:  Chapter 42:  Brown 296
Table of Contents

There is a behind-the-writings look at the thoughts, influences, and ideas of this chapter, along with eleven other sequential chapters of this novel, in mark Joseph "young" web log entry #503:  Versers Progress.  Given a moment, this link should take you directly to the section relevant to this chapter.  It may contain spoilers of upcoming chapters.

As to the old stories that have long been here:

Verse Three, Chapter One:  The First Multiverser Novel

Old Verses New

For Better or Verse

Spy Verses

Garden of Versers

Versers Versus Versers

Re Verse All

In Verse Proportion

Con Verse Lea

Stories from the Verse Main Page

The Original Introduction to Stories from the Verse

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