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Stories from the Verse
Con Version
Chapter 136: Cooper 44
Table of Contents
Previous chapter: Takano 126
There were definitely advantages to living at The Paris. Cooper didn’t have to worry about housework, as maid service kept the room clean. The kitchen was open all day and most of the night, and if he was hungry outside those hours the desk could always make him a sandwich. On the other hand, it was costing him twenty dollars a week--about a fifth of his paycheck--and he had to buy all of his meals somewhere. It struck him that from what he saw of their first paychecks Tommy was probably getting less than half what he was making, probably about forty-five dollars weekly take-home pay, and that meant almost half of hers went to paying for the room.
It struck him that he should be able to find a decent two-bedroom apartment in a reasonably safe neighborhood for maybe forty dollars a month, and if Tommy went in with him on it and they bought food they could make and eat at home they would save a lot of money. There would still be transportation costs--a fair amount of his spare change went to cab fare to get them to and from work--but if the apartment had laundry facilities, even if they were coin operated in the basement, that would save some trouble.
At home he would go online and search for available rentals in the area. He was going to have to think of what people did when he was young. There were classified ads in newspapers, sometimes signs in the windows of buildings that had space for rent, and you could go to a real estate agent. That last was probably the least desirable, since the agent would charge a fee somewhere in the mix and that would increase the price. On the other hand, if he could find an honest one it would cut through a lot of the issues.
He could ask Keller. He didn’t like taking his problems to his rich friend, as he didn’t want to seem as if he couldn’t handle the simpler matters of life himself. On the other hand, Keller might well own properties that would be well suited to the purpose, and he trusted the man and thought he was probably a decent landlord.
On the way to work Thursday morning he broached the subject with Tommy.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said, “that twenty dollars a week for the room is a bit steep over the long term, and it must be harder on you.”
“Yeah, I don’t really make much money,” she answered.
“I don’t want to presume, but I was considering finding an apartment. We’d have to pay month-by-month, and probably deposit a month in advance, but it would probably cost half what we’re paying now, and half again if we get a two-bedroom place and split the cost.”
She shrugged. “It sounds good to me. I’d go online and try to find something, but I don’t guess that’s how it’s done in this world.”
Cooper laughed lightly. “Yeah, I had the same thought. Classified ads and real estate agents are probably the most efficient, but I thought I’d ask Keller for advice, and wanted to check with you before I did.”
“No, it sounds good to me. Keep me posted.”
They arrived at work and dropped the conversation.
There is a behind-the-writings look at the thoughts, influences, and ideas of this chapter, along with eleven other sequential chapters of this novel, in mark Joseph "young" web log entry #516: Versers Stymied. Given a moment, this link should take you directly to the section relevant to this chapter. It may contain spoilers of upcoming chapters.
As to the old stories that have long been here: