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Stories from the Verse
Con Version
Chapter 138: Takano 127
Table of Contents
Previous chapter: Brown 331
Truth was out again Thursday night, half practicing, half patrolling. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice. Looking up she saw Robinette seated on the edge of a roof of a one-story building.
“Is it safe to come down?” she asked. “I mean, you’re not going to arrest me, are you?”
“I don’t know. Are you doing something illegal?”
She laughed. “Not at the moment, no.”
“Then I expect not.”
The thief-acrobat came down a rope on a grapple a bit different from Tommy’s kawanaga but functionally similar. She came close and spoke in low words. “Look, I don’t really have a lot of friends. None, actually. It’s kind of hard to share about anything when your real life is a secret and your secret identity is a boring life. But it seems to me that you and I have a lot in common. I know, we’re on opposite sides of the law, but I’m hoping we can ignore that part, and you seem to be a good egg, you know? I mean, you probably could have arrested me the other night, and I think a lot of superheroes would, but you didn’t.”
“So what are you suggesting?”
“I’m going to give you my address--my real address, where I live when I’m not Robinette. Come over for lunch tomorrow.”
“Oh, I can’t tomorrow. Unfortunately my secret identity has a day job, and I got a paycheck today that I have to take to the bank during lunch tomorrow.”
“That’s sad. When, then?”
“I can do Saturday. I usually do my laundry on Saturday, but I can put it off a day.”
“Sounds good. Come over Saturday between noon and one, and I’ll have lunch for us. Come as your other self, and we’ll introduce ourselves to each other and get to know each other a bit.”
Truth smiled. As crazy as it sounded, it seemed like it would be fun. “I’ll be there, if nothing gets in the way.”
“Looking forward to it,” Robinette said, gave her the address and repeated it..
Repeating the address to make sure she had it, Truth answered, “Me too,” and the thief was back up the rope to the roof quickly enough to make Tommy envious of her ability. Well, she was working on it. She’d get there.
Taking her cell phone from a pocket, she typed the address into a memo.
There is a behind-the-writings look at the thoughts, influences, and ideas of this chapter, along with eleven other sequential chapters of this novel, in mark Joseph "young" web log entry #516: Versers Stymied. Given a moment, this link should take you directly to the section relevant to this chapter. It may contain spoilers of upcoming chapters.
As to the old stories that have long been here: