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Stories from the Verse
Con Version
Chapter 156: Brown 338
Table of Contents
Previous chapter: Cooper 50
Vashti handed the knife to Derek instructing him to ‘be a man, and clean the gross stuff’. He did so, wiping the weighted wooden carved stick on the swamp grass, and the band walked back into the City singing. They were having lunch late, and as it was Sunday they would not be playing, but hunger and companionship drove them to go to Hannah’s to celebrate. There would be food, and the prayer and friendship of others after the meal, for now it was as if every day was a prayer meeting, and it got larger and larger. But so far, it was mostly Black. That needed to change, Derek knew.
As they were eating a man entered in a familiar outfit. He looked around the room, and then came directly toward their table. Pierre rose, and the others followed his example.
“Your eminence,” Pierre said. “How can I help you?”
The bishop replied, “I’ve come to speak to your friend,” and turned his attention to Derek. “I am here to apologize. I was wrong. In my arrogance and prejudice, I thought God could only use Catholics, and would only call Catholics to do His work. You not only saved my life last night, you proved to me that God was not limited to my discriminatory categories. All believers are brothers, and God can use whom He wishes. Please forgive me.”
Derek smiled; he almost laughed, but thought that would be inappropriate. “It’s perfectly alright, your–your eminence? I certainly would never have picked me to be a divine protector, but apparently God keeps doing so, and sending me places where I can serve Him that way. And the only approval I need for what I do is His.”
The bishop nodded. “Well said, young man. I shall pray for wisdom such as yours.”
“Indeed, and pray that God will unite this city against the devil. As one of my brothers here has said, never fight each other, but always fight the devil.”
“You have a wise team.”
“Please, have some food. I’m sorry we don’t play on Sundays, so there’s no music, but Hannah’s staff put together some excellent meals.”
“I wish I could, but I have to get back for an afternoon mass. Perhaps, though, I shall return.”
The meal segued into a prayer and praise meeting, which kept the band there for quite a while. Hours later Derek called a break from the afternoon practice saying that it had been a rough two days. Relieved, everyone went home. Pierre said he would have supper with his folks, and Maurice planned to fish, and Lei was going to try to inveigle one of his friends to make noodles. Derek and Vashti went home, to bed, and fell asleep.
There is a behind-the-writings look at the thoughts, influences, and ideas of this chapter, along with eleven other sequential chapters of this novel, in mark Joseph "young" web log entry #517: Versers Moving. Given a moment, this link should take you directly to the section relevant to this chapter. It may contain spoilers of upcoming chapters.
As to the old stories that have long been here: