Stories from the Verse
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Lord Omigger Character Sheet
Leaving Verse Three, Chapter One

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This is an attempt to capture for reference a character paper snapshot of the character Omigger, a supporting character in the Multiverser novels who debuts in Verse Three, Chapter One and returns...that would be telling.  This character sheet includes everything that is confirmed about him, plus a few extrapolations, in that first book, and thus represents him as he is in the chapter in which he is buried.

The picture was dug up on the Internet as an approximate image of him; it's not perfect, but is reasonably close.

Some of this information is extrapolated based on the milieu and the author's perceptions of the character.

To assist the referee, some entries include at least one coded reference to a chapter or chapters in which the item is mentioned; thus by cross-referencing with the story you can determine the details.  The chapters are identified by which character's story is being told, and thus most of those here begin with "S" for Slade; this is followed by a three-digit number indicating the chapter number for that character, not the chapter number for the book.  Thus if you want to find the first reference to his name, you read here that it appears in S009, and on the index page for the novel you search for the text "Slade 9" and that will take you to the link for that chapter.  Obviously the chapters beginning "K" are Joe's story, and thus "Kondor", and those beginning "H" are Lauren's story, "Hastings".  The first novel ends with Kondor 41, Slade 42, and Hastings 43.

Lord Omigger

A.K.A.: Omigger

1@5Persuasion2@3Ranged Strike Value (RSV)
1@5Charisma1@10Martial Strike Value (MSV)
1@5Animal Magnetism1@7Target Value (TV)
1@5Damage Value
14@5Mag S020
2@8Intellect2@8Tech (Intellect/Intuition/Ed Level)
2@6Intuition2@6Psi (Persuasion/Intuition/Will Power)
2@1Education Level2@6Mag (An-mag/Intellect/Intuition)
1@8Will Power1@8Bod (Strength/Agility/Will Power)

Born in low-tech high-mag fantasy world.  Confused by concepts such as “auto-mechanic” S002.
Apparently vomits after being carried by djinn out of the dungeon in what Slade describes as a roller coaster ride S006.

Current Hair Style: 
Hair Color: 
Age:  Eldest of the adventuring trio, studied magic many years elsewhere, approaching 50 S014 (before Mica’s vesting), died when Shella was nearly twenty-one, probably about 60 years old.
Eye Color: 
Facial Hair:  None
Birthmarks, Tatoos, or other unusual markings:  None
Other Description: 



?@???Tech X@XDjinni Quest
1@8General Science
LevelSkill Areas
1Control of Fire, Leather work, Pottery
2The Wheel, Woodwork, Cloth and Rope
3Inclines, Levers, Stonework
4Pulleys, Gears, Soft Metals
5Water Power, Hard Metals
Tech 5@0Home
1@10Math Theory
LevelSkill Areas
1 to 2Counting & Shape Identification
3 to 6Arithmetic and Euclidean Geometry
Tech 6@0Home
1@8Math ApplicationsTech 6@0Home


2@5Language (English)Psi 0@0Djinni Quest


2@5Basics of MagicMag 1@0Djinni Quest S002
2@5Moveable Inertial/Energy ShieldMag 5@6Djinni Quest S004
1@3Detect location of elemental spirit
Raised arm dance with chant used to locate/identify bottle containing djinni
Mag 7@3Djinni Quest S003
2@5Know objective and elapsed timeMag 7@6Djinni Quest S003
Base dangerous requires touch
Mag 9@2Djinni Quest S003
2@5Create Water
Used as a damaging weapon against effrit
Mag 14@2Djinni Quest S004
2@8Create Feast
a long unintelligible sentence, a single complete turn of his body, and a wave of both hands; ham, lamb, and salad are mentioned.
Mag 14@5Djinni Quest S008
X@XUnspecified incantationsMag X@XDjinni Quest S006


X@XHuman Standard Sensory Package
(2@5 Touch and pressure sensitivity B0@0, 1@5 Chemical sensitivity B0@1, 1@7 Gas & particular sensitivity B0@1, 2@2 Pain B0@2, 1@6 Heat sensitivity B0@3, 1@5 Cold sensitivity B0@3, 2@1 Photosensitivity B0@4, 1@8 Auditory perception B0@4, 1@6 Balance B0@4, 2@5 Focus B0@5, 1@2 Tactile imaging B0@5, 1@8 Pitch discrimination B0@6, 1@8 Stereo directional sense B0@7, 2@5 Color perception B0@8, 2@8 Depth perception B0@8)
Bod 0@XHome
X@XHuman Standard Body Package
(2@3 Manipulate Object B0@1; 1@1 Generate Pheromone Signal B0@2; 2@7 Generate Sound Signal B0@2; 2@3 Sitting B1@0; 2@1 Rise to All Limbs B1@1; 1@5 Multi-legged Crawl 2mph B1@3; 2@5 Stand Erect B2@1; 2@1 Walk at Walking Speeds 3mph B2@4: 1@10 Jog 3mph B3@3; 1@5 Dash 300˘ B3@4; 1@5 Sprint 990˘ B3@5; 1@5 Run 71/2 mph (one mile/eight minutes) B3@6; 1@1 Ground-based Rolling B4@1; 1@5 Reaching Jumps 10˛ B5@1; 1@5 Low Obstacles 12˛ B5@1; 1@3 Running High Jump 4˘ 6˛ B5@3; 1@5 Standing Long Jump 6˘ B5@3; 1@2 Running Long Jump 9˘ B5@3)
Bod X@XHome


Flowing RobeWornDjinni Quest S001

Known Exclusions

All his possessions save that in which he was buried were given to his designated heirs.

World List
Stage 0

Djinni Quest, his home world.

Identified Characteristics

Won’t kill a stranger based on presumption S002.
Disdains scrying as impractical and time-consuming S008.
Becomes completely immersed in and distracted by his magic books S008.

Personal History

Descended from Baron Rolgar of Corlander, his great great great great grandfather S002.  Thanks to Slade’s wishes, he knows everything about every wish ever granted by any djinni, was granted all that was given to Petrof of Salminia (fortune, castle, army), and is forever known as friend and ally of the djinn and of the Caliph of the West Wind S005.

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