Stories from the Verse
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Lady Shella Character Sheet
Leaving Spy Verses

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This is an attempt to capture for reference a character paper snapshot of the character Shella, a supporting character in the Multiverser novels who debuts in Verse Three, Chapter One and returns in For Better or Verse, again in Spy Verses and again...later.  This character sheet includes everything that is confirmed about her, plus a few extrapolations, in those books, and thus represents her as she is in the final chapter of that fourth novel.

The picture was dug up on the Internet as an approximate image of her; it's not accurate but suffices.

It is a bit surprising how little information actually exists about her, and most of it is personal.  The attributes here are from the author's view of her.  Although the author has a clear picture in his own mind concerning her appearance, she is not described in the book beyond being a heartbreaker, and it is likely that the reader has formed his or her own image of the character.  Bias levels similarly have been estimated based on the writer's suppositions about the world and her knowledge of it.

To assist the referee, some entries include at least one coded reference to a chapter or chapters in which the item is mentioned; thus by cross-referencing with the story you can determine the details.  The chapters are identified by which character's story is being told, and thus most of those here begin with "S" for Slade; this is followed by a three-digit number indicating the chapter number for that character, not the chapter number for the book.  Thus if you want to find the first reference to her name, you read here that it appears in S009, and on the index page for the novel you search for the text "Slade 9" and that will take you to the link for that chapter.  Obviously the chapters beginning "K" are Joe's story, and thus "Kondor", and those beginning "H" are Lauren's story, "Hastings".  The first novel ends with Kondor 41, Slade 42, and Hastings 43.  She is not mentioned at all in the second novel, the third novel consists of Hastings 96 through 136, Slade 43 through 92, and Brown 56 through 96, and the fourth of Kondor 97 through 136, Brown 97 through 160, and Slade 93 through 135.

Lady Shella

A.K.A.:  Shella S009 B093

A.K.A.:  Lady Shella, daughter of Baron Torelle of Corlander, and sister to Slade’s designated heir. S052 Self-identifies as Slade’s ward. B091 K098 S124 by Kondor K132 K136

A.K.A.:  My wife, by Slade S074 B091 K098 S111 S124 K136

A.K.A.:  Missus Slade, by Kondor K102 or Slade’s wife K131

1@10Persuasion1@9Ranged Strike Value (RSV)
2@1Charisma1@7Martial Strike Value (MSV)
2@2Animal Magnetism1@7Target Value (TV)
1@6Damage Value
14@5Mag S130
2@1Intellect S049 S0822@2Tech (Intellect/Intuition/Ed Level)
2@2Intuition2@2Psi (Persuasion/Intuition/Will Power)
1@8Education Level2@2Mag (An-mag/Intellect/Intuition)
2@1Will Power2@1Bod (Strength/Agility/Will Power)

Born in a low-tech high-mag fantasy world S009.

Current Hair Style: 
Hair Color: 
Age:  23 (born S009, 20 at Mica’s vesting S2015, 21 at Omigger’s funeral S017, 22 at Torrence’ vesting S018, 23 the following year S020), described as a few years older than that but not yet as old as Slade’s 22 S045 B097
Eye Color: 
Facial Hair:  None
Birthmarks, Tatoos, or other unusual markings:  None
Other Description:  Very pretty S016 an incredible smile of innocence and understanding, kindness and shrewdness, strength and vulnerability, in one expression S045 Gorgeous S087



?@???Tech X@XDjinni Quest
1@1Operate miscellaneous devices such as light switchesTech X@XVampire Future S088
2@1Drive WagonTech 2@1Djinni Quest S055 S056
2@1Use DaggerTech 3@3Djinni Quest S073
1@4General Science
LevelSkill Areas
1Control of Fire, Leather work, Pottery
2The Wheel, Woodwork, Cloth and Rope
3Inclines, Levers, Stonework
4Pulleys, Gears, Soft Metals
5Water Power, Hard Metals
Tech 5@0Home
1@5Math Theory
LevelSkill Areas
1 to 2Counting & Shape Identification
3 to 6Arithmetic and Euclidean Geometry
Tech 6@0Home
1@5Math ApplicationsTech 6@0Home


2@5Language (English)Psi 0@0Djinni Quest
1@1TeachPsi 0@1Djinni Quest S055 S056


1@5Basics of Magic
Understands the existence and presence of elemental spirits S049
Mag 1@0Djinni Quest S017 S019 S020 S056
1@5Clarify glassMag 3@1Djinni Quest B095
1@5Reshape ground surface
Uses hand movements
Works on floors H133
Mag 3@3Djinni Quest S070
2@2Pack Belongings
Words-only spell causes belongings to rush into carry bag and the bag to seal
Mag 3@6Djinni Quest S070
1@5Transmute temporarily earth to quicksand
Shout charms of earth and stone
Works on floors B092
Swallows object (smokepot) B094
Mag 3@10Djinni Quest S070 S102
2@1DarknessMag 4@1Djinni Quest S102
2@1Create wind
Used to drive back crossbow bolts
Mag 4@4Djinni Quest S077 S102
1@4Insignificancy (Pseudo-Invisibility)
0:30 TF, movement of left hand and sequence of words in a magical language, RS minutes S105
Does not prevent friends from seeing/recognizing you.
Uncertain whether it prevents you from being observed on electronic video monitors S116
Not invisibility S116
Mag 5@1Race War S102 S103 S117 S119
2@2Comfort Bubble, maintains environment inside
In desert Pronounces a string of mumbo-jumbo, waves hands in the air. Creates a cooler darker space inside.
Lasts random periods of several hours, usually collapsing before she awakens RS/10 hours
Mag 5@2Vampire Future S130 S131 K132 S133
2@1Striking forceMag 6@5Djinni Quest S091
1@10Time Sense
Knows how much time has elapsed if attempting to do so
Mag 7@0Djinni Quest S072
2@1Temporary Scrying Aid (mirror)Mag 7@2Djinni Quest S057 S062 S067 S082 S085 H133 B094 S102 S132 S133 S134
2@5Create Illusory Scene
Cast on a window, causes the image seen through the window to remain static even if the actual scene is altered. Uses a glass bead, which remains in place to maintain the illusion, the pronunciation of a string of magic-sounding words, moving a hand across the window and tapping the bead with one finger. Not impacted by gluing the bead in place before working the spell.
Mag 8@4Djinni Quest S056 S102
1@5Create Illusory Target Object
Can be seen magically, as from teleport or scrying, but not visible in the location itself
Mag 8@4Djinni Quest H133 H135
2@1Create LightMag 9@1Djinni Quest S102
1@1Gate to/from Hyperspace
(Learned from Bethany) Calls out a few words in a magical language (unknown to Lauren), walks into the mist that appears, image appears around them which hardens into reality.
Requires a clear image of a unique place K133
Mag 12@9Vampire Future H132 S122
2@1Create Meal
Ritual took several minutes
Mag 14@5Vampire Future S130 K132 S133 B160 S135 K136
X@XSeveral Unspecified Spells
Surpasses Slade before his departure S020
Learns quite a bit after his departure S047
Includes illusions S051 S055
Used as attacks H133
Studied with Omigger/Merlin and Bethany S090 and others B096
Mag X@XDjinni Quest S017 S019


X@XHuman Standard Sensory Package
(2@5 Touch and pressure sensitivity B0@0, 1@5 Chemical sensitivity B0@1, 1@7 Gas & particular sensitivity B0@1, 2@2 Pain B0@2, 1@6 Heat sensitivity B0@3, 1@5 Cold sensitivity B0@3, 2@1 Photosensitivity B0@4, 1@8 Auditory perception B0@4, 1@6 Balance B0@4, 2@5 Focus B0@5, 1@2 Tactile imaging B0@5, 1@8 Pitch discrimination B0@6, 1@8 Stereo directional sense B0@7, 2@5 Color perception B0@8, 2@8 Depth perception B0@8)
Bod 0@XHome
X@XHuman Standard Body Package
(2@3 Manipulate Object B0@1; 1@1 Generate Pheromone Signal B0@2; 2@7 Generate Sound Signal B0@2; 2@3 Sitting B1@0; 2@1 Rise to All Limbs B1@1; 1@5 Multi-legged Crawl 2mph B1@3; 2@5 Stand Erect B2@1; 2@1 Walk at Walking Speeds 3mph B2@4: 1@10 Jog 3mph B3@3; 1@5 Dash 300¢ B3@4; 1@5 Sprint 990¢ B3@5; 1@5 Run 71/2 mph (one mile/eight minutes) B3@6; 1@1 Ground-based Rolling B4@1; 1@5 Reaching Jumps 10² B5@1; 1@5 Low Obstacles 12² B5@1; 1@3 Running High Jump 4¢ 6² B5@3; 1@5 Standing Long Jump 6¢ B5@3; 1@2 Running Long Jump 9¢ B5@3)
Jump B094 S091
Bod X@XHome
1@10Climb (ladders)
Holds rope while being hoisted up and down wall S082
Bod 1@3Djinni Quest S070
2@1Ride HorseBod 3@0Djinni Quest S053 S054 S067 S069


Primer on the Magic ArtsCarry BagDjinni Quest S017
RobeWornDjinni Quest S056 S070 K105
Riding outfit, expensive and attractiveCarry bagDjinni Quest S056
CloakCarry bagDjinni Quest S067 K105 S131
Boots, lacedFeetDjinni Quest S070
Carry bag, sealableShoulderDjinni Quest S070 K105
DaggerInside robeDjinni Quest S073
Night clothes, a fancy robeCarry BagDjinni Quest S087 S091 H132
SlippersCarry BagDjinni Quest H132
Decorative objects, unspecified (“knick-knacks”)Carry BagDjinni Quest S096
Good comforter (quilt)Carry BagDjinni Quest S096 S115 S117
Hard rolls and dried fruitCarry BagRace War S123
MirrorCarry BagDjinni Quest S132

Known Exclusions

No way to get over a city or castle wall. S051
Does not understand movies S107
Has not learned to fly K133
Does not know the game poker S134

World List
Stage 1

  1. Djinni Quest, her home world.
  2. Rescue of Phasius (by way of border supernatural S043) S047
  3. Vampire Future B091
  4. Race War S093 left with Bob S128
  5. Twin River Valley K129

Identified Characteristics

Reportedly sweet, but a bit conniving.
First choice for breakfast: strawberries, peaches, and bananas ladled with cream and sugar.
Efficient S067
Prefers to sleep in the common room with Slade rather than alone without him S075
Believes it is courteous to lose a duel to a nobleman S075
A talented sorceress B097
Is tracking how many days they have been married K098
Arranges quarters to be pleasant even for an expected single night. S096
Straightens the room and prepares Bob’s leathers when he leaves the room S098
  Wants to neaten even the inside of the tent before company arrives, even Joe S110
Heavy sleeper, and not a morning person S108 S131
  But sometimes knows Slade is awake before he does S115
Tries to learn words she does not know by repeating them aloud S116

Personal History

Born the fourth year of Slade’s time in the Djinni Quest world S009 and was always a beautiful girl from the day of her birth.  Stayed at Slade’s castle the year after Mica’s vesting, at twenty years old S015 S016.  She attended Omigger’s funeral the year she turned twenty-one and stayed at Slade’s castle again that summer.  She then took an interest in Omigger’s magic books, and started reading the primer S017.  At twenty-two she is settled at Slade Manor and busily studying magic S019, and she surpassed him by the time she was twenty-three S020.  His verser existence was explained to her, and she threw him a kiss as he versed out.

She is cousin to Filp, not niece S070. Told her father Torelle before she left that she would be marrying Slade S070. Merlin is her “Uncle” Omigger B092, technically a cousin S089.

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