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Martial Arts
Martial Arts Styles and Related Rules...
Martial Arts Special Maneuvers
...for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(tm) in MyWorld.
...for Multiverser.
Special maneuvers are presented as related to each of the eight methods, with a ninth category of Mental and Physical Training.  To find special maneuvers, roll d8 followed by d3.  The d8 is the number of special maneuvers from the style's method or from Mental and Physical Training which are included.  Under MyWorld rules, if this number is equal to the number available within the method, then the style has all of the method's maneuvers.  If the number is less than the total number available within the method, dice should be used to identify which maneuvers are included (or, for convenience if more are included than excluded, which are excluded).  If the number on the d8 is greater than the number of available maneuvers, all available maneuvers are included, and the difference between the die roll and the number of available maneuvers is rolled for from Mental and Physical Training under the book rules, added to the roll of the d3 in MyWorld.  This d3 (modified under MyWorld rules) indicates the number of maneuvers which do not come from the style's primary method.  A d8 is rolled for each to select which method each maneuver comes from, counting down on this list (and skipping the method of the style), and maneuvers of that method are rolled with whatever die is appropriate.  A duplicate maneuver is re-rolled in all cases. It is recommended that any style have at least two but not more than twelve special maneuvers, and that there be a preference toward maneuvers which are related to the basic attack form of the style, that is, punching styles should have punching maneuvers, kicking styles should have kicking maneuvers, although maneuvers which are not related to the basic attack should also be included.  Multiverser does not require that a student learn all of the maneuvers of a style or that he learn them in any particular order; however, teachers will normally teach methods beginning with the simpler and less potent and working up, and will not teach a more potent maneuver to a character who has not mastered a less potent one.  They are sequenced here by bias level, which may be considered the normal order in which they are taught, since a character will have an easier time learning a maneuver whose bias is lower than his and a harder time learning maneuvers above his current bias.  Since Multiverser can create or imitate anything anyone can imagine doing, this list is certainly only for ideas, used in connection with these styles.
These are the nine method areas from which the maneuvers are selected:
Vital Area(basic style attacks and maneuvers effective against humanoids only.)
Mental and Physical Training
Quick Stand, B4@4 tumble to erect position, permits the user to return to his feet after a fall or throw without any penalty in time or attacks.
Kick Method 1:  Circle Kick, 2d*, lose next attack on failure. Fall Impact Absorption, B4@6 fall shock-absorption, creates a damage category penalty on falls of any type, including those from pushes and throws, and impact against objects which would be similar to a fall, such as being thrown against a wall.
Kick Method 2:  Flying Kick, 3d*, a 5' run is required, failure is to fall. The Great Jump, B5@6 jump to 20 times size, enables the character to jump RS/2 feet up and/or away from his position (at 1 grav).  It counts as an attack within the combat time frame.
Kick Method 3:  Backward Kick, d* on an opponent directly behind. Immobility, B6@9 non-moveability, enables the character to avoid the effects of any attack which attempts to move him, such as pushes and throws, by creating a sit-mod against such attacks.  It is an instant defense which must be initiated before the attack it counters is announced.
Lock Method 1:  Choke Hold, no damage, a hit by the opponent releases it, but if the opponent fails to counter it by the end of the second round, he is rendered unconscious for d3 rounds. The Rear Kick, B7@1 basic style annoying attack, will hit an opponent attacking from behind.
Lock Method 2:  Locking Block, catches an opponent's attacking limb or weapon in the defender's arms, but the user takes normal damage if he fails on an attempt to catch a weapon. The Foot Sweep, B7@2 tactical movement is a basic annoying attack, but the opponent must make a simple agility check to avoid falling.  There is (unmodified) annoying damage on an ordinary fall.
Lock Method 3:  Incapacitator, renders the targeted limb useless on a failed save v. paralyzation. The Fake, B7@2 tactical movement, uses one attack to intentionally miss the opponent, and gives a +10 sit-mod on the user's next attack.
Lock Method 4:  Immobilizing, secures an opponent with one hand. Fallen Fighting, B7@2 positional training, enables the character to fight normally when down.  (There are a variety of other positional training skills, such as fighting in a chair, fighting in water, and fighting in zero gravity, but these rarely appear in these styles.)
Movement Method 1:  Feint, uses attack without hitting, gives +2 to hit on next attack. Panoramic Awareness, B7@2 intensified senses, makes the character aware of visible opponents in any direction.  It does not need to be turned on, but may be rolled to negate surprise which has occurred.
Movement Method 2:  Prone Fighting, the martial artist can fight normally when down. Fighting Blind, B7@2 intensified senses, reduces any martial combat penalty for dark or blind conditions to -5 provided nothing is preventing the use of hearing to identify position and motion.  The technique is not completely negated, as it uses tactile and olfactory along with auditory cues, but is considerably less effective when auditory ones are compromised.
Movement Method 3:  Immovability, save v. paralyzation to avoid any attack which moves the target. Foot Drop, B7@3 intensified damage:  damaging combined with a tactical movement, combines the fake into a kick attack by having the attacker swing his foot past and above the defender, and then drop down to strike the opponent from above, using gravity to increase force for a +10 sit-mod on the attack; unfortunately, it also leaves the attacker open, giving the defender a +10 sit-mod on his next attack also.
The Spinning Kick, B7@3 intensified damage:  damaging, loss of next attack on failure.
Movement Method 4:  Missile Deflection, save v. paralyzation to avoid any missile attack of which the defender is aware (e.g., not surprise backstabs). The Fan Kick, B7@3 intensified damage:  damaging, -10 sit-mod on attack, has the character doing a cartwheel-like motion (without touching the ground with his hands), and kicking the opponent once with each foot.  The first hit strikes at -10, but the second is automatic if the first hits, so the two are combined as an intensified damage attack with a single roll.
Movement Method 5:  Leap, 4' up and 3' forward, +1'/level, with the option to turn any direction before landing, failure is to fall, distance is bonused for a running start. The Focused Push, B7@3 leveraged attack, will push an opponent back RS/5 feet, and the opponent must make an agility check to avoid falling.  If the target falls or runs into another object, the base damage done is damaging, modified by all bonuses which would apply to the attack (SAL, MSV, MA).  On a failure, the opponent attack is bonused by a +10 sit-mod.
Movement Method 6:  Speed, double all combat movement for 5 rounds, then rest for d3. Solid Punch, B7@3 intensified damage:  damaging level, -10 sit-mod on attack.
Movement Method 7:  Slow Resistance, immune to slow effects of any type. Power Throw, B7@3 leveraged attack, throws the opponent by sheer force RS/20 feet, a damaging level attack, the user automatically sacrifices the initiative.
The Leaping Kick, B7@3 intensified damage:  dangerous, fall on failure for annoying damage.  Note that standing up after a fall in combat normally requires a full minute if no skill is used.
Push Method 1:  Concentrated Push, 1'/level, the victim takes fall damage for the distance pushed if he hits a solid object, failure bonuses all opponents' attacks against him by +2 for the remainder of the round. Body Slam, B7@3 leveraged attack, dangerous level, throws or knocks the defender to the ground.  Several variants of this exist, some of which are very similar to hurl in that the defender is lifted high in the air and thrown to the ground, and others are more of a knock down in which the attacker comes down on top of the defender, but all have similar effects.
Push Method 2:  Sticking Touch, if successful, the character gains -2 to AC and +2 to hit relative to the character touched for as long as the contact is maintained.  The opponent can only break the contact by moving away from the character in a way that the character cannot follow. Power Punch, B7@3 intensified damage:  dangerous level, or lethal against objects, automatically breaking those which fail a comparative relative success check of d100 against its density set against the skill success roll, that is, the object will roll d100 against the character's attack roll if the attack is successful, and if the object's roll is both greater than its own density and less than the attack roll the object breaks in a manner appropriate to double the amount of damage inflicted by the attack.  Against creatures, its use limits attacks to two in that minute; against objects it is the only attack in round.
Push Method 3:  One Finger, Concentrated Push at 1'/level separation. Momentum Casting, B7@3 leveraged attack, throws the opponent RS/2 feet, bonused by a sit-mod equal to the speed in miles per hour if the opponent is running or otherwise moving toward the character, a dangerous level attack which automatically sacrifices the initiative and creates a +10 sit-mod on any attack launched by the opponent.
Head Slam, B7@3 leveraged attack, lethal, very like the body slam except that the defender lands on his head, and the sit-mod against it is -20.
Overleap Kick, B7@3 intensified damage, lethal, involves the attacker leaping above the defender's head and kicking with one or both feet as he passes over him.  It is the only attack which can be made in the minute.
Strike Method 1:  Iron Fist, d10 damage. Crushing Grasp, B7@3 intensified damage:  lethal, gaining an additional damage category bonus if used against objects around which the attacker's hand may be wrapped; such objects must make a check similar to that used for Solid Punch.  It is the only attack that can be made in the minute it is used.
Strike Method 2:  Crushing Blow, d*+level damage or break objects, only attack in round. Focused Punch, B7@3 intensified damage, fatal but useable against objects only, this is the skill which allows a character to break only the select block in a stack of bricks.  It is primarily a showpiece, but many trainers require their students to learn it to master their strike techniques.  It is both the last and only thing done in a minute of concentration; it can be used for lethal damage against opponents hidden behind (and leaning against thin walls and similar obstacles, provided the user does not have to defend during the minute.
Strike Method 3:  Eagle Claw, 3d10 damage or break objects, it is the only action which may be taken in the round. Missile Escape, B7@4 special dodging, enables the character to dodge or deflect all incoming missiles in a minute on a successful skill check; there should be a negative sit-mod for missiles of high velocity, such as bullets fired from an explosive or electro-magnetic driven slug thrower, and it is ineffective against EM and other energy weapons whose impact travels at or near light speed.
Throw Method 1:  Fall, half damage on falls of any type. The Following Finger, B7@4 attack analysis, uses one attack to place one hand (normally) on the opponent, and thereafter modifies all combat skill checks (both character and opponent) with a ±10 sit-mod in the character's favor.  The opponent normally can break the contact only by making a movement which the attacker cannot follow.  However, the character cannot use that hand for any other purpose while maintaining the contact.
Throw Method 2:  Instant Stand, no time penalty to return to feet after a fall or throw. Muscle Blocking, B7@4 improved defense, tightens the musculature of the body such that a -10 sit-mod applies to all attacks doing inertial damage on the character.
Throw Method 3:  Hurl, d4', 2d* damage. The Attack Catch, B7@5 anti-attack, catches any limb or weapon used against the character, failure results in an automatic hit by the opponent.
Throw Method 4:  Great Throw, 1' per level, bonused by six feet if the opponent is running, 3d* damage.  On a failure, the character is knocked off his feet and loses the initiative on the next round. The Immobilizer, B7@5 anti-attack, secures an opponent by grasping him with one hand such that the only action he can make is an escape attempt, any standard attack, with a -20 sit-mod.  This will normally do no damage to the user of the immobilizer (unless a technique designed to injure on escape from a hold is used).  Because of the total nature of the paralysis involved here, the defender gets a resistance check to avoid the effect.
Vital Area Method 1:  Pain Touch, causes d3 rounds pain during which the opponent is -2 to hit, +2 on being hit. Seize Weapon, B7@5 disarming, secures an opponent weapon or limb with the character's weapon, as an attack on a weapon, until the opponent can make a successful untargeted attack (includes all modifiers except the strike value of the one held and the target, cover, and similar protective values of the one holding) which is greater than the roll which seized the weapon.  A failed attempt causes the user to lose his weapon.
Vital Area Method 2:  Stunning Touch, save v. paralyzation or stunned d4 rounds. Break Weapon, B7@5 disarming, will break an opponent weapon (but not a body part), as an attack on a weapon.  Damage done must be equal to three-quarters the density of the weapon; this is a lethal attack for damage purposes (against weapons only), giving the opponent a +15 sit-mod on his next attack (regardless of attack success), provided that attack is used within the next minute.
Vital Area Method 3:  Paralyzing Touch, save v. paralyzation or unable to move d6 turns. Missile Catch, B7@5 disarming, is an attack on the weapon which if successful results in catching the weapon.  The baseline is for thrown weapons such as daggers and spears.  Arrows and similar small primitive propelled missiles are at -10, and higher speed weapons such as bullets are from -20 (low-velocity bullets such as from a twenty-two pistol) to -30 (high velocity bullets such as from a high-powered rifle); there is an additionaal -10 sit-mod for large heavy missiles such as those thrown by siege engines, provided the weight is within the maximum encumbrance of the character attempting to catch them.
Vital Area Method 4:  Distance Death, at 1'/level separation, other vital area maneuvers are performed.  If the pain touch is done, the victim gets a save; if the stunning touch is done, the save is at -2.  The technique may instead do 3d* damage. Simple Disarming, B7@5 disarming, is a weapon-based attack on the weapon which if successful may knock the weapon from the opponent's grasp such that it flies free.  The opponent may make a difficult agility check to hold the weapon; if he is successful, the character must make a simple agility check, or lose his own weapon.
Weapon Method 1:  Weapon Catch, secures the opponent's weapon (or limb) with the user's own, failure loses weapon.  Note that on success, the character may not use his weapon for any other purpose (such as an attack) as long as he is holding the opponent's weapon. Improvised Cloth Weapon, B7@6 improvise martial weapon, uses any cloth such as a large towel, bed sheet, or tablecloth, as if it were a martial arts weapon with a base damage category of damaging.
Weapon Method 2:  Weapon Breaker, breaks an opponent weapon (not a limb) on a failed save v. crushing blow. The Choking Grasp, B7@7 special damage, a successful hit by the opponent releases the grasp, or the opponent is unconscious for RS/20 minutes on a failed stamina check (RS=Simple/Difficult/None) attempted once per minute or combat period against a falling effective stamina.  Although this attack will not reduce the number of attacks which may be used in the minute, once the grasp is engaged the attacker cannot make any other attack with the hands or arms until the grasp is released.  Thus, if the attacker uses this as the last attack in the minute, and on the next minute the defender has the initiative and fails to escape, then fails his stamina check and so passes out, the attacker may use his full number of attacks during that minute; but if the defender remains conscious, the attacker is limited to attacks which use feet or other techniques which do not involve the hands.
Weapon Method 3:  Steel Cloth, use random cloth as if a spear (for melee only). The Limb Twister, B7@7 incapacitation, renders the selected limb useless on a failed stamina check for RS/4 hours, doing damaging damage, with a -10 sit-mod.
Mental and Physical Training 1:  Meditation, one hour alert rest equals two hours sleep. Pain Inflicter, B7@7 special damage, a poke attack which strikes pain receptors directly, creating a ±10 sit-mod in the user's favor for RS/20 minutes.
Mental and Physical Training 2:  All-around Sight, can detect visible opponents in any direction.  Once learned, this is deemed to be always in effect if the character is awake and his senses are unimpaired. Stunning Strike, B7@7 special damage, a poke attack which strikes nerve endings to momentarily daze or disorient the opponent.  The effect lasts RS/20 minutes if the target fails a resistance check.
Mental and Physical Training 3:  Mental Resistance, +2 on saves v. mental attacks. Paralyzing Strike, B7@7 special damage, a poke attack which strikes nerve endings to temporarily immobilize the opponent.  The effect lasts RS minutes if the target fails a resistance check.
Mental and Physical Training 4:  Blind Fighting, penalty reduced to -1 for all dark and blind conditions if not silenced. Blinding Strike, B7@7 special damage, a poke attack which temporarily blinds the opponent by nerve overload.  The effect lasts RS/20 minutes if the target fails a resistance check.
Mental and Physical Training 5:  Ironskin, AC improved by 2 without armor. The Untouching Push, B7@8 non-contact damage, performs the Focused Push maneuver without touching the target.  The distance at which this will be effective is equal to the SAL minus ten in feet; all other details are as the Focused Push.
Mental and Physical Training 6:  Levitation, after one turn concentration, float in the air in any direction 5' per round while concentrating. Resist Slowing, B7@9 anti-magic and anti-psionic defense (limited to those magical and psionic attacks which would slow the character), creates an immunity to magical or psionic slowing effects of any type.
"d*" indicates that the maneuver if successful does the ordinary damage for the style, from the table; damage multipliers apply to numerous maneuvers, that is, "3d*" means that the attack does three dice of the normal type used for damage in the style. Remote Strike, B7@9 non-contact damage, will perform the character's choice of a standard style damage poke attack, a pain inflicter, a stunning strike, or a paralyzing strike, each with the limitations those attacks.  This will work at a distance equal to the character's SAL minus ten in feet.
Control Resistance, B7@9 anti-psionic, anti-magic, and anti-technology defenses, this skill if successful will prevent any kind of control of or attack on the mind including illusions in the mind, suggestion, possessions, and other mental controls or influences however generated. 
Alert Rest, B10@2 counter weakness or fatigue, permits the recovery of two hours of sleep for each one hour spent in a fully alert but inactive state, such as sitting quietly.  Because it is well below the baseline for the skill, it functions at a +30 sit-mod.
Haste, P4@0 mind over matter, enables the character to double all combat movement and number of bod-biased attacks (all skills) for RS/10 minutes, after which the character must rest for a like amount of time.  The skill may be chained at a -10 sit-mod on each sequential use.
Levitate, P4@8 levitation, requires ten minutes of initial concentration after which the character may float in the air in any direction at a rate of 5' per minute (300' per hour) as long as the concentration is maintained.
Under the MyWorld rules, since Shukenja, Kensai, and Wu Jen can meditate, any style with Meditation as a maneuver has an alternate maneuver learned as a first level maneuver (usually a first level maneuver, but occasionally Missile Deflection) in what is commonly known as the "Kensai variant"; this is the variation which will be learned and taught by members of those three classes.  If a character is not known to be studying that version, he is learning the standard version.  Similarly, as Monks are already taught Missile Deflection, any style with that maneuver has a "Monk variant" which substitutes a different maneuver up to the fourth level as a fourth level maneuver, and this is the version learned and taught by Monks; those not known to be learning from a Monk will learn the standard version.  Usually there are only two versions, the standard version being referred to by the class for which it was not altered.  The maneuver substituted is chosen by the referee according to his perception of the needs of the style. Because of the nuances of bias, it may happen that some of the maneuvers of a particular style will be above the curve in some universes.  As with any other skill, such maneuvers cannot be learned or used in that universe.  Styles which include such maneuvers will be taught without them in such worlds, or, if the referee prefers, may exist in other variants with other maneuvers included.  For clarity in his own records, the referee may wish to give these variants different names; however, since under Multiverser rules maneuvers are adaptable to all styles, this is probably unnecessary.
This is the complete list of special maneuvers permitted in martial arts styles under the published oriental rules.  For thoughts on incorporating other maneuvers within the game, see M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials, Special Rules, Special Weapon Maneuvers Without Martial Arts. This list of maneuvers is not in any way complete.  Since in Multiverser all fantasies are reality, the referee will frequently add new maneuvers to his game, expanding existing styles and creating new ones.  This list has itself been expanded since it was initially published, and may be expanded further in the future as new styles and maneuvers are added to the site.  See Bod Level 7:  Martial Arts in the Referee's Rules for details.
Continue to Create a Style
If in the course of examining this material, you want to know more about AD&D, there are at least hundreds of sites on the web which may help; I'll just recommend my own two:
M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materials as source material for many campaigns and situations;
and all you need to create a character, Character Creation for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition.
And if in the course of examining this material you want to know more about Multiverser, check it out at:
The Multiverser Information Center.

Index:  The introductory page to the material.

Introduction:  Gives an overview of the contents of the web site.

Creating a Martial Arts Style:  Describes the way styles are designed.

Attacks per Round/Attack Multipliers:  How frequently the martial artist may attack.

Learning Martial Arts:  Rules and training techniques.

Martial Arts Titles:  A MyWorld variant and Multiverser concept substituting for "belts".

Use of Multiple Styles:  How to change between styles within the game.

AC for Special Maneuvers/Modifiers for Special Maneuver Attacks:  Clarification of how to use special attacks.

Special Maneuvers Summary:  The available maneuvers are listed with all information.

Stun and Incapacitate:  AD&D rules incorporate this into standard attacks; for Multiverser, this would be a separate skill.

Translating a Player Style:  Multiverser allows a player to bring his actual martial arts skills into the game through these rules.

The Style Collection:  Our imaginary styles are offered for your use.

Other Links of Interest:  A collection of sites related to this material in one way or another.