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Martial Arts
Martial Arts Styles and Related Rules...
Martial Arts Titles

...for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons(tm) in MyWorld.
...for Multiverser.
In the learning of any martial arts style, titles may be earned.  Although traditionally martial arts advancement has been recognized in the earning of successive colored belts, since it appears that the sequence of the belts varies from style to style, MyWorld developed a sequence of titles to be earned.  The four titles possible are Master, Honored Master, Most Honored Master, and Most Highly Honored Master.  These titles represent the number of maneuvers which the master has learned in proportion to the total number of maneuvers the style has.  Weapon studies are not considered within the title system, principally because the finest martial artists are likely to be the Kensai, and weapon-dedicated Kensai have reason not to learn all of the weapons of most styles. In the learning of any martial arts style, there are recognitions for advancement in abiliity.  In different worlds, different approaches will be used; in some worlds, different styles will have different approaches.  This system is presented to provide one such approach which can be used by the referee to evaluate the level of mastery any character has in any particular style.  Although colored belts, named ranks, stripes, special insignia, and even tattoos are possible marks of ability, this system will use titles.  The four titles which we will use are Master, Honored Master, Most Honored Master, and Most Highly Honored Master.  Referees and universe creators should feel free to develop other systems for specific worlds.  These titles represent the number of maneuvers which the practitioner has mastered in proportion to the total number of maneuvers the style has.  Weapon studies are not considered within the title system, because under the Multiverser system any weapon may become a martial arts weapon, but it is not feasible or particularly useful for one character to know them all.
A Master of a style has learned at least half of all of the maneuvers available within the style, but not as many as two-thirds.  Since all styles have at least two maneuvers, no master knows all of the maneuvers of his style, and all styles allow the possibility of becoming a Master. A Master of a style has achieved a professional skill ability level (SAL) in at least half of all of the maneuvers available within the style, but not as many as two-thirds.  It is recommended that all styles have at least two maneuvers, so no master knows all of the maneuvers of his style, and all styles allow the possibility of becoming a Master.
An Honored Master in the style has learned at least two-thirds of the maneuvers in the style, but not as many as 85%.  For styles with only two or three maneuvers, this is the highest title possible.  All styles allow the possibility of becoming an Honored Master. An Honored Master in the style has a second level SAL in at least two-thirds of the maneuvers in the style, but not as many as 85%.  For styles with only two or three maneuvers, this is the highest title possible.  All styles allow the possibility of becoming an Honored Master.
A Most Honored Master knows at least 85% of the maneuvers in the style, but not all of them unless the last maneuver taught in the style is also the one that exceeds 85%.  If the style has at least four maneuvers, this title is attainable; if it does not have more than six maneuvers, this is the highest title available within the style.  Most styles created will allow the possibility of becoming a Most Honored Master. A Most Honored Master is a professional in at least 85% of the maneuvers in the style, but not all of them unless the difference between 85% and all is a single maneuver.  If the style has at least four maneuvers, this title is attainable; if it does not have more than six maneuvers, this is the highest title available within the style.  Most styles created have the possibility of becoming a Most Honored Master.
A Most Highly Honored Master knows all of the maneuvers in a style in which that is distinct from knowing 85%, that is, in a style with at least seven maneuvers.  No style has more than eleven maneuvers.  On average, half of all styles created will have the possibility of attaining the status of most highly honored master. A Most Highly Honored Master has achieved professional status in all of the maneuvers in a style in which that is distinct from knowing 85%, that is, in a style with at least seven maneuvers.  It is recommended that no style have more than twelve maneuvers.  On average, half of all styles created should have the possibility of attaining the status of most highly honored master.
  This table displays the four titles against the number of maneuvers within the style to give the minimum number of maneuvers which must be known in the style in order to hold that title.  "--" indicates that the title is not attainable within a style with that number of maneuvers.
Style Maneuvers:
2 1 2 -- --
3 2 3 -- --
4 2 3 4 --
5 3 4 5 --
6 3 4 6 --
7 4 5 6 7
8 4 6 7 8
9 4 6 8 9
10 5 7 9 10
11 6 8 10 11
12 6 9 11 12
If in the course of examining this material, you want to know more about AD&D, there are at least hundreds of sites on the web which may help; I'll just recommend my own two:
M. J. Young's Dungeons & Dragons Materialls as source material for many campaigns and situations;
and all you need to create a character, Character Creation for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition.
And if in the course of examining this material you want to know more about Multiverser, check it out at:
The Multiverser Information Center.

Index:  The introductory page to the material.

Introduction:  Gives an overview of the contents of the web site.

Creating a Martial Arts Style:  Describes the way styles are designed.

Attacks per Round/Attack Multipliers:  How frequently the martial artist may attack.

Learning Martial Arts:  Rules and training techniques.

Martial Arts Titles:  A MyWorld variant and Multiverser concept substituting for "belts".

Use of Multiple Styles:  How to change between styles within the game.

AC for Special Maneuvers/Modifiers for Special Maneuver Attacks:  Clarification of how to use special attacks.

Special Maneuvers Summary:  The available maneuvers are listed with all information.

Stun and Incapacitate:  AD&D rules incorporate this into standard attacks; for Multiverser, this would be a separate skill.

Translating a Player Style:  Multiverser allows a player to bring his actual martial arts skills into the game through these rules.

The Style Collection:  Our imaginary styles are offered for your use.

Other Links of Interest:  A collection of sites related to this material in one way or another.