Subject: Re: Army of Darkness
Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 16:52:22 EDT
From: Nathro
Plus army of Darkness has a different ending available in other countries where he accidentally takes too much juice and wakes up in an appocolyptic future! Ya there is confusion between the endings and the beginings of all 3 of the movies that's why people think ed 1 and 2 are the same thing, the confusion is in The Evil Dead ash goes to the cabin with his friends and they get possesed and eventually die at the end of The Evil Dead the evil force runs up to ash and the screen turns black and apparently he's been attacked or killed or possesed. In Evil Dead 2 the begining ash and just his girlfriend (Not the rest of his friends) go to the cabin and she gets possesed, and he gets attacked by the evil about 5 minutes into the movie same as the end of The Evil Dead and now he gets thrown into the forest that's where it continues but to the untrained eye people might think it's a remake but it's absolutely not just the begining is a remake!! Check around at video stores as far as you can there some of my favorate movies!!
Thanks for the info. I'm shopping it around to see what kind of confirmation/clarification I can get from those who told me the stories originally. I don't think I can get anything on the ending which throws him into the future, but I'll let them know about it. I've checked the video stores around here (New Jersey has some very rural areas, and this one is rather far removed from the rest of the world), and it doesn't look as if I'll be able to rent it any time soon--probably have to go to Delaware to find it.
Thanks again.